"Self confidence comes when you set goals and achieve them." - Model Kate D in conversation with Thomas Berlin

Kate D

Kate, also known as “Kate true Love”, is a 29 year old nude model. Recently we worked together for the first time, which was a good opportunity for the following conversation. We talked about photography from the perspective of a model. The images are impressions from our first shoot.

Thomas Berlin: Kate, how would you describe yourself in one or two words?

Kate D: True love (laughing).

Thomas Berlin: When did you start modeling and what was the main reason? What inspired you to become a model? 

Kate D: It’s just that my boyfriend shot me naked sometimes, I liked it, I felt free with my body.  Than I realized that I can travel, be creative, and make some money with it.

Thomas Berlin: Please tell me about your first steps as a professional model.

Kate D: The agent found me and offered me to work with the agency as a model. I started with fashion, there were several contracts and trips to Athens, Milan and Bangkok. At the same time, I mixed trips with a nude agent to Europe. The fashion was just a fan and did not earn money. Once, on a trip to Bangkok with a contract with my fashion agency, an incident happened. Someone sent all of my links and nude pics to an agency in Bangkok. They did not like it and they terminated our contract and I went home. I took a break from the fashion agency and started focusing only on art nudes.

Thomas Berlin: Is being a model your first job or did you have an other jobs before (or a study or apprenticeship)?

Kate D: I studied to become an accountant and a political scientist in Belarus.  But I wasn't interested and just broke up my studies. After that I met my boyfriend on social networks from Ukraine and went to him. We lived 5 years together

Thomas Berlin: Did you do something creative before modeling? And do you do something creative currently?

Kate D:  My dad painted.  I was good at drawing.  Now I'm creative as a model, sometimes I take pictures, music.

Thomas Berlin: Does that mean that you draw sometimes or is it photography? And what kind of music are you doing?

Kate D: I don't draw on paper but I draw a photo together with the photographer when we are working. Sometimes they draw me. I like doing DJ sets. This instead of dialogues takes the listener into my thoughts.

On film.

Thomas Berlin: What are your modelling styles? Which one do you enjoy the most? 

Kate D: I do work in nude style most. Also fashion. I like to try different style. I like a lot work for video.
Thomas Berlin: In what kind of videos are you acting?

Kate D: Usually these are short videos for some brands or just creative. I like to play different roles. But it's not about nude. I just love acting.

Thomas Berlin: You are very self confident. Was that always the case or did modeling help to achieve that?

Kate D: Yeah! The modeling helps a lot. But confidence comes when you set goals and complete them. Solve any difficulties.

Thomas Berlin: What differentiates a good from a not so good photographer from your models perspective? 

Kate D: It’s something you can feel. I know cool photographers who can create masterpieces just with a phone camera.  For starters, and this is the most important thing, it’s the ability to work with light!

Thomas Berlin: Could you name 2-3 photographers with good work in your opinion?

Kate D: There are the names on instagram: @boulgates, @arnaud.ele. And @samli.vm, ne of my favorites when I travel.

Thomas Berlin: How do you prepare for a shooting?

Kate D: Usually the photographer sends me a moodboard in advance or tells what he prefers.  Usually it is enough for me to take a shower, drink a glass of water and do a few minutes exercises 

Thomas Berlin: How do you handle different photographers and their mentalities? Is that a challenge or do you enjoy it?

Kate D: I like it. We are all different and that's great. I like a challenge also!

Thomas Berlin: What are your limits in a shooting?

Kate D: I can't sit splits but almost! I don't do porn shoots also. But I can jump into cold water, climb trees, lie on the pavement in winter (laughing).

On film.

On film.

Thomas Berlin: Did you have negative experiences with photographers? And how can a new model pre check the photographer?

Kate D: I usually don't have problems. Sometimes strange photographers, but no problems. You need to look at the photographer's portfolio. You can feel the character and style of the photographer.

Thomas Berlin: Is there a difference if the photographer is a male or female, eg in style, behaviour, kindness or so?

Kate D: No difference.

Thomas Berlin: How important is social media for your success or your inspiration? Which media do you use? 

Kate D: Social media is a good tool. It’s freedom. For inspiration, work and self-expression. I find work through instagram mostly.

Thomas Berlin: Social media is often very prude, maybe also the society. How accepted is nude art in Belarussia and Russia in general and especially regarding your family & friends?

Kate D: Everywhere there are people who do not mind and who are against.  You just have to be flexible and do what you like.  My family and friends know about my work, I have no problems with it. I'm glad that I don't live in a Muslim country.

Thomas Berlin: What advice can you give to new models? Or a reason to model or maybe not to model?

Kate D: If you like it, try it.  There is never anything to be afraid of.  Fear is an illusion.  Fear stops you from living your life to the fullest.

Thomas Berlin: What is your advice to photographers how they should treat the model and due to achieve a successful shooting?

Kate D: Be friendly, be open and know how to put put a good light, his is the main thing.

Thomas Berlin: Do you also take photographs?

Kate D: Yes, sometimes. Just fan pictures of me, my friend and nature with an analog camera

Kate with partner on film. Image selected by Kate. © Human Artem

Thomas Berlin: Will you probably model the whole life or do you have other plans for the future?

Kate D: I will work as a model as long as possible. But never say “never”.  Maybe I'll find something else to do tomorrow.

Thomas Berlin: You are traveling internationally. Which countries or cities impressed you? And which places do you favour?

Kate D: Usually I travel in Asia or Europe. In summer I like to be in Europe. I like Spain a lot. But that’s more to relax. If I want to work or if I need contact with people and sociality I go to Germany. Berlin is so cool for this. I like Saint Petersburg a lot also.  In Asia regarding the cities I like Hong Kong. Many nature in the city, it’s important for me,  and I like the style of architecture. I would like to visit someday UK, USA and Japan. 

Thomas Berlin: What else are you doing outside of modelling, outside your job? 

Kate D: I love sports, yoga, active lifestyle, hiking, cycling, traveling, music, dancing, driving. Try to do something new every time. I’m raw vegan. I love to inspire and motivate people for a healthy and happy lifestyle. Enjoying life.

Thomas Berlin: Kate, thank you for the interview and our new collaboration. Enjoy your life!

Kate D: Easy. I always wish this for people.

You can find Kate on Instagram. Feedback is welcome here.

If not otherwise stated, all images: © Thomas Berlin. Do not copy.

Landscape captured by Kate on film. © Kate D

Thomas Berlin

Thomas Berlin is a fine art photographer, photo blogger and photo book publisher from near Frankfurt am Main, Germany.


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