About Me
Photography is a central part of my visual journey. My initial passion for painting and drawing naturally evolved into photography, which has become my primary form of expression. Exploring the human experience, my work oscillates between the personality and sensuality of my subjects.
I don’t categorize my portraits based on whether my subjects are clothed or not, as nudity is not the goal but often a starting point for a minimalist atmosphere and my visual style. It also allows subjects to see themselves in a new light while offering me creative challenges in composition, lighting, and interaction. Ultimately, it fosters freedom of expression and demands sensitivity and respect.
I work with both analog and digital techniques, choosing the medium and camera based on the task and my creative vision. However, I have a strong preference for the tangible presence of a signed print or a photo book over a digital image that merely serves as a fleeting thumb stopper on social media.
How meaningful can a portfolio be? This one at least reflects my current photographic direction. It showcases recent work in portrait photography but can only be a glimpse – my photographic style is far more diverse.
My work has been featured in exhibitions and publications. I occasionally update this section, but if you're interested in my past or upcoming showcases, feel free to check them out here.
Interview Blog
In my blog, I share conversations with inspiring people from the photography scene, along with my personal thoughts on photography. The interviews are selected intuitively and reflect my personal interests. I’m always open to discovering new perspectives, but I select my interview partners myself. Thank you for understanding.
Photo Books
Photo books are an essential part of my passion as a recipient and are becoming more important in my artistic expression. They allow me to present my photography as a curated experience, where composition, narrative, and design come together. My first public photo book, “On Every New Day”, was released in November 2024. If you’d like to stay updated on future releases, sign up for my newsletter (below or here).
While I don’t usually separate analogue and digital photography in my portfolio, I make an exception for Polaroids. Instant photography has a unique charm that deserves its own space. In my article Polaroid Passion, I share my thoughts on this medium. You can also follow my dedicated Instagram account for Polaroids.
Table Talks
Table Talks is an ongoing photo project in which I sit down with a person for a conversation—usually in my studio, sometimes elsewhere. I encourage my subjects to express themselves freely, whether through gestures, props, or emotions. The result is a dynamic process that unfolds naturally through dialogue. Some images remain private, while others are shared under Table Talks on my website and my dedicated Instagram account for table talks.
I am based near Frankfurt am Main in Germany and collaborate with both professional and amateur models. In my work, I use the term “model” or “subject” broadly — it simply refers to anyone who steps in front of my camera, regardless of experience. If you’re interested in a photoshoot, feel free to reach out via the contact form with your ideas or questions.
Because photography is my passion rather than my profession, I exclusively work on my own projects and do not accept commercial assignments. I only collaborate with models under conditions that grant me full usage rights for the images, such as for exhibitions, photo books, or other publications. In some cases, I offer a model fee for established models with a suitable portfolio.
I always enjoy exchanging ideas with fellow creatives, discussing portfolios, or sharing thoughts on photo books. Sometimes, I also provide portfolio reviews for photographers. If you're interested in connecting, feel free to send me a message via the contact form.
I handle my own editing and retouching, as it is an integral part of my creative process. Therefore, I do not outsource retouching services.
Unless otherwise stated, all images on this website are my own. They may not be copied, modified, reproduced, or published in whole or in part without my prior written consent.