About Me

Photography is my passion, not my profession. Already during my studies I was fascinated by painting, drawing and photography. After few years, I concentrated on photography. The human representation is my photographic focus. A small sample of my photography can be seen on this website.

I don't differentiate my portraits based on whether my models are clothed or not. Therefore, you should generally stay away from my website if you don't want to see nude photos.

I work both analog and digital, depending on my task and mood. The technique is not a dogma. In my portfolio I do not separate digital and analog images. In fact, they are mixed. In general, I prefer the physical presence of a signed print over a digital image.

Sometimes I note references like publications and exibitions here.


I'm open to work with both professional and amateur models. I use the term model in general for a person in front of my camera, regardless of whether the person does it professionally or not. Write me via the contact form if you are interested in a photo shoot and what your ideas are. Or if you have questions regarding modelling, if you want to achieve a publication as a model or just to say hello.

Please bear in mind that I only do my own projects. I only work with models if I can use the photos without restrictions. In exceptional cases I pay a model fee, otherwise we shoot on a collaboration basis.


I am always interested to communicate with creative people, to receive feedback or to discuss portfolios. Looking forward to your message via the contact form.


The blog shows my talks with people in the photo scene and a few articles with my personal view of photography. To be frank I do not claim to be journalistic. I do it just for fun for me and friends & family.


I edit my images myself because editing/retouching is part of my creative process. If you are a retoucher, please save your and my time and refrain from retouching offers.

Data Protection

This is a private and non-commercial website. Nevertheless you may find the following interesting: 1) This website uses cookies. 2) If you contact me by email or via my contact form, I may save the message and any attached data to answer your request and related questions in the future.


Unless otherwise stated: All images are mine. They are protected by copyright law and may not be copied, modified, reproduced or published in whole or in part without my prior written consent.